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Author Topic: August flower Photo's of the day  (Read 219746 times)
Posts: 3646

« Reply #240 on: August 24, 2012, 06:46:34 PM »

Wow, Darren, those are some really big bushes you are describing. I felt the same way when visiting Erny's garden recently and spotting an 8 foot tall Simple Pleasures and almost as big Sun Shower, both also being very full and opening a bunch of blooms! You guys are really setting the bar high for in the ground big flowered hibiscus....

farmer d
Farmer D

Posts: 5573

Hollywood, CA

« Reply #241 on: August 24, 2012, 06:49:14 PM »

Thank you Charlie - coming from you that is a big compliment.  I know we both work really heard everyday to get these incredible plants in the best shape possible. 

Anyone who ever wishes to visit my little humble place here in Hollywood there is always an open invitation...

Farmer D

* The Path 8-24.jpg (373.51 KB, 2000x1596 - viewed 646 times.)

* Bonnie Lass 8-24.jpg (364.36 KB, 2000x1508 - viewed 635 times.)

* Bon Temps 8-24.jpg (365.77 KB, 1780x1261 - viewed 670 times.)

* Climax 8-24.jpg (388.83 KB, 2000x1470 - viewed 650 times.)

* Chariots of Fire Triplets 8-24.jpg (381.33 KB, 2000x1193 - viewed 624 times.)

* Erin Rachel 8-24.jpg (381.59 KB, 2000x1121 - viewed 633 times.)
Seattle, WA

Posts: 1945

« Reply #242 on: August 24, 2012, 07:04:25 PM »

Wow looking great everyone!

Erny,  Golden Halo is really looking good!  Ruby Tuesday is a show stopper!

Here is my first Fly Me to the Moon,  I love the unusual colors and large size of this one.  I am looking forward to more blooms from it!

* FFTM.JPG (191.75 KB, 610x640 - viewed 617 times.)

* FMTTM 2.JPG (145.48 KB, 480x640 - viewed 585 times.)

Posts: 177

« Reply #243 on: August 24, 2012, 07:17:38 PM »

Here's some photo's from today,

Winer lights
Cherry Appaloosa
High Heaven

Thanks, Patrick and Donna

* 459098_3973336325473_1695939370_o.jpg (101.37 KB, 1296x968 - viewed 608 times.)

* 621898_3973457408500_1550972726_o.jpg (96.12 KB, 1296x968 - viewed 603 times.)

* 621092_3973511009840_1106832464_o.jpg (114.34 KB, 1296x968 - viewed 606 times.)

* 333293_3973360286072_715336511_o.jpg (91.95 KB, 968x1296 - viewed 559 times.)

Posts: 960

« Reply #244 on: August 25, 2012, 07:50:13 AM »

Wow awesome shots everyone!  Jordan, love your new one!  Erny, great slapstick, I just got one of those.  And your Chad's may have sold me on that one.  There is a local greenhouse nearby that sells that one.  I may get it!
Here is Swamp Music
And a shot of a piece of my garden from my deck I couldn't resist!

* 82412.jpg (245.48 KB, 1000x667 - viewed 539 times.)

* 82412-2.jpg (301.87 KB, 1000x667 - viewed 584 times.)


Posts: 1036

Houston, Texas

« Reply #245 on: August 25, 2012, 08:21:00 AM »

First Black Dragon bloom

* Black Dragon.jpg (237.74 KB, 640x480 - viewed 593 times.)

I wasn't born in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could.
S.E. Michigan

Posts: 306

« Reply #246 on: August 25, 2012, 09:31:16 AM »

Loving all of the gorgeous blooms and photos everyone... Outstanding!   Shocked

Here are some blooms from the past two weeks... Lots of evening shots, as I'm not getting home from work until late.  Always happy when I see that my blooms waited for me  Cheesy

Acapulco Gold
Amber Suzanne
Creme de Cacao
Hot Babe
Ruby Tuesday

* Acapulco-Gold_082312.jpg (389.79 KB, 608x618 - viewed 569 times.)

* Amber-Suzanne-3_082312.jpg (389.95 KB, 822x714 - viewed 525 times.)

* Bienvenue_082312.jpg (390.43 KB, 807x747 - viewed 518 times.)

* Creme-de-Cacao_082012.jpg (389.64 KB, 644x652 - viewed 551 times.)

* Hot-Babe_082312.jpg (389.8 KB, 690x722 - viewed 553 times.)

* Ruby-Tuesday_082212.jpg (389.55 KB, 704x690 - viewed 548 times.)
S.E. Michigan

Posts: 306

« Reply #247 on: August 25, 2012, 09:34:47 AM »

and some more...

Silver Memories
Simple Pleasures
Tahitian Princess
Valentine's Day

Deb  Wink

* Silver-Memories_082412.jpg (388.97 KB, 764x727 - viewed 556 times.)

* Simple-Pleasures_081812.jpg (390.37 KB, 687x625 - viewed 503 times.)

* Sunshower_081512.jpg (390.68 KB, 610x617 - viewed 522 times.)

* Tahitian-Princess_082012.jpg (389.2 KB, 819x797 - viewed 514 times.)

* Thanksgiving-2_082012.jpg (390.2 KB, 637x673 - viewed 533 times.)

* Valentines-Day_082012.jpg (388.94 KB, 665x654 - viewed 505 times.)
farmer d
Farmer D

Posts: 5573

Hollywood, CA

« Reply #248 on: August 25, 2012, 04:03:56 PM »

Erny I forgot to mention on my last post about your Slapstick (thanks Kristen) which I believe is the first one here on the forum.  I am excited about any "gaudy colored" bloom and that one looks great.  Mine is potted and growing but no buds so far so I vicariously am living thru yours.  Also loved that Magic Crystal - that has got to be one of the best 2012 blooms for me on the forum so far this year.

John that is a SENSATIONAL Black Dragon.  Wow the color on that is just amazing, a purplish burgundy.  I've noticed with mine the color is pretty responsive to the weather so some fun with each bloom.

Deb those are all stunners.  I'm wondering if I should have gotten Hot Babe, in fact is that it in the front of one of the greenhouse shots from the current newsletter?  If so very impressive!

Farmer D

* Meteor Shower 8-25.2.jpg (377.47 KB, 2000x1550 - viewed 517 times.)

* Meteor Shower 8-25.jpg (384.09 KB, 2000x1624 - viewed 502 times.)

* Summer Fun 8-25.jpg (378.38 KB, 2000x1312 - viewed 489 times.)

* Black Dream 8-25.jpg (377.11 KB, 2000x1438 - viewed 488 times.)

* Daisy Mae 8-25.jpg (390.27 KB, 2000x1397 - viewed 506 times.)

* Flickering Flame 8-25.jpg (380.83 KB, 2000x1318 - viewed 541 times.)
farmer d
Farmer D

Posts: 5573

Hollywood, CA

« Reply #249 on: August 25, 2012, 04:12:58 PM »

Patrick your Pinkalicious looks really great!  How has the bush been on that one and is it a good grower?

So Chris what crosses do you have lined up for FMTTM?

Farmer D

* Climax 8-25.jpg (377.3 KB, 2000x1519 - viewed 525 times.)

* Confection Perfection 8-25.2.jpg (377.2 KB, 2000x1674 - viewed 550 times.)

* Confection Perfection 8-25.jpg (386.38 KB, 1594x1340 - viewed 495 times.)

* Rainbow Sherbet 8-25.2.jpg (370.01 KB, 2000x939 - viewed 511 times.)

* Rainbow Sherbet 8-25.jpg (382.26 KB, 2000x1553 - viewed 517 times.)

* Bonnie Lass Triplets 8-25.jpg (373.61 KB, 2000x1553 - viewed 516 times.)
farmer d
Farmer D

Posts: 5573

Hollywood, CA

« Reply #250 on: August 25, 2012, 04:20:41 PM »

Here is a happy post as I had my first Midsummer Night bloom since mine pretty looked like it died several months ago with an accidental iron overdose.  Amazing comeback and thanks to Denise as it seems that whatever is blooming for her mine seem to bloom the next day...sounds good to me.

Also TP with a petaloid - this plant looks like it is starting to gain some serious strength after the heatwave. 

Farmer D

* Midsummer Night 8-25.2.jpg (381.38 KB, 2000x1540 - viewed 513 times.)

* Tahitian Princess 8-25.2.jpg (369.46 KB, 1413x1378 - viewed 531 times.)

* Tahitian Princess 8-25.jpg (368.5 KB, 2000x1648 - viewed 559 times.)

* Unforgettable 8-25.jpg (388.45 KB, 1750x1678 - viewed 518 times.)

* High Voltage 8-25.jpg (377.69 KB, 2000x1597 - viewed 498 times.)
Seattle, WA

Posts: 1945

« Reply #251 on: August 25, 2012, 04:27:16 PM »

Geez everyone is having such great summer blooms!  Geez I wish that summer would last a bit longer up here in the great north, but I noticed today that there are several maple trees and cottonwoods that are starting to change color...

Darren, I really like the results Charlie got using Moonstruck and Zulu warrior with It's a Wonderful Life, so I have already crossed FMTTM with IAWL.  I hope that seeds come from that.  I think that crossing FMTTM back to moonstruck or either of the the three Creme de Cacao related CVs I have (Arabian Princess, Thunder egg and Stardust)  would produce good results.  I hope I can get my hands on James Bond soon, I really think that crossing JB to FMTTM has good potential too.  Exciting to think about the possibilities!   
farmer d
Farmer D

Posts: 5573

Hollywood, CA

« Reply #252 on: August 25, 2012, 04:31:36 PM »

Finally I am so happy to say that my Prosperity plant has resurrected itself from the dead with little tiny leaf nodes starting to appear all over.  I am surprised and impressed and can't wait to get it back to it's remarkable state of beauty.

Farmer D

* Prosperity leaf node 8-25.jpg (234.69 KB, 624x668 - viewed 502 times.)

* Prosperity leaf node 8-25.2.jpg (173.5 KB, 604x212 - viewed 572 times.)

* Prosperity Leaf Nodes 8-25.jpg (328.63 KB, 1591x667 - viewed 506 times.)

* Prosperity leaf nodes 8-25.2.jpg (313.36 KB, 646x647 - viewed 503 times.)

* Prosperity leaf nodes 8-25.3.jpg (257.97 KB, 902x686 - viewed 511 times.)

Posts: 1704

« Reply #253 on: August 25, 2012, 05:46:48 PM »

So many beautiful blooms. John, that Black Dragon is a standout.
Not quite as overcast here this morning so the colors may not be as vibrant.

Voodoo Magic
Double Date triplets--caught in the sprinklers
Vin Beaujolais
City Slicker


* DSCF3491.JPG (294.83 KB, 900x759 - viewed 501 times.)

* DSCF3492.JPG (290.14 KB, 900x640 - viewed 481 times.)

* DSCF3495.JPG (366.2 KB, 700x1053 - viewed 505 times.)

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* DSCF3494.JPG (256.58 KB, 900x675 - viewed 498 times.)

* DSCF3496.JPG (317.61 KB, 900x706 - viewed 497 times.)

Posts: 1704

« Reply #254 on: August 25, 2012, 05:50:37 PM »

Palm Springs
Ruby Tuesday
Bridal Path

* DSCF3498.JPG (333.18 KB, 850x1009 - viewed 487 times.)

* DSCF3499.JPG (255.98 KB, 850x840 - viewed 487 times.)

* DSCF3500.JPG (368.73 KB, 830x826 - viewed 496 times.)

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* DSCF3504.JPG (269.21 KB, 850x794 - viewed 523 times.)
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