Wow! That is quite extreme! I have had mite problems throughout the summer. It made me go MAD!! Question, if we are in a cool dry climate, as CT is now, do mites post as much a problem as they do in the summer? I seemed to have them over and over this summer, but nothing since I brought them in in Sept.
Also, what new variety did you get?
hi, i am not sure what your name is. tell me in a reply post.
when my plants were out this summer, i did not have any mites or other pests. there are a lot of daddy long leg spiders here and they do a super job of cleaning a plant of bugs.
my only problem when they are outside are slugs. they devour everything. i have to put a band of copper around the top of the pot to shock them to keep them out.
my problem arises when i bring them, into a dryer environment. now that i have the greenhouse open, i am going to try running a humidifier during the dry times.
the new variety i got was madam dupont.