« on: July 27, 2009, 08:18:24 PM » |
To the Forum Members
Just checked the forum statistics to see if we are reaching many people. We started the forum in November, 2008 and during that month the visitors and members who came to the forum viewed 1,217 pages. Every month since them the number of page views has gone up, until in June it reached 13,943 pages viewed. But that was just getting warmed up since so far in July, 2009 visitors and members have viewed 19,146 pages! Quite a jump from 1200 in Nov to 19,000 so far in July! Another way to look at it is that the most viewed topic (Simple Pleasures) has been looked at almost 1000 times, and many other topics have been viewed 100's of times.
To those of you who are posting and showing a lot of creativity and interest and enthusiasm for our joint exploration about hibiscus growing Cindy and I thank you and no doubt the many visitors coming to the forum to read but not post thank you. Cindy was just reviewing the statistics for the overall HVH web site and found that the forum home page is the most viewed page on the HVH site nowadays, not counting visits to the HVH store which is actually a different URL. The web site itself has averaged 1063 separate visitors per day this summer while the store gets about half that many every day.
I just wanted to share this with the members, particularly those of you who participate by posting. Thanks again and I'll see you back in the other sections!
Posts: 975
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2009, 10:31:48 AM » |
You're welcome Charlie , the forum is like a dream come true to me. I love forums and I could not believe no one has made a hibiscus forum. I am on the yahoo groups but its not the same ! I also Appreciate you taking the time to answer all of our questions. I would ask a million questions in the yahoo group and would recieve no answers. The only things that would get comments on was pictures of flowers. Its great and all but people need help growing and caring for hibiscus, we also need info on how a cv is before we get it.
I was this close to making a hibiscus forum ! lol I am glad that you finally made one.
Thanks again Charlie !
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2009, 09:20:49 AM » |
Kerry, that feedback is really appreciated.
The forum keeps humming along. July ended with a total number of pages viewed at 22,590 but then August was far busier with 32,800 pages viewed during the month. A whole bunch of new members signed up, too, although guest viewers outnumber members at about 10 to 1.
In any case, the forum seems to have something to offer for a lot of people!
Posts: 178
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2009, 01:30:03 PM » |
We Forum members need the input of those Guests, you either have more knowledge or less knowledge than the rest of us on the different subject matters. Maybe you can help us or we can help you. We need you on the team!
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2010, 08:25:38 PM » |
Update - although the forum is quieter in winter with fewer posts the readership has continued to set new records. I was surprised but delighted that in January, 2010 more pages were viewed than in any other month since the forum was started - 35,290 pages viewed, to be exact! February was no slouch either with almost 30,000 pages viewed, making it the third highest month.
Unlike most mail lists we do not ask for people to become members before reading our posts. This has kept the membership relatively small but growing at 200 people currently but the point of the forum is to provide answers and stimulate thinking about hibiscus for everyone. It seems to be working as evidenced by the high number of page views. Thanks again to all who do post comments and photos that keep the discussion going!
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2010, 07:01:36 PM » |
March 2010 Update - 48,042 pages viewed on the forum in March, a new record!
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2010, 06:58:56 AM » |
July, 2010 Update
Twas a good month on the forum, despite difficult weather here and there. Members and visitors opened 60,655 pages in July. I was hoping we would break 50,000 page views for the first time but the numbers soared straight through to 60,000. Since the forum first opened over half a million pages have been viewed.
Thanks to all who have contributed comments and photos. Lots of people seem to like them!
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2010, 01:29:15 PM » |
September 1 Update
The forum continues to be a very busy destination. A new record was reached in August as the number of pages viewed climbed to over 68,000 during the month of August. Thanks again to all who shared their photos and insights into hibiscus growing.
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2010, 05:28:05 AM » |
September update - a new record at over 70,000 page views for the month! Charlie
Posts: 266
Orange County, CA
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2010, 10:57:01 AM » |
Nice!!! I know I do my share of browsing even if I haven't posted much recently. Btw, Charlie, what happened on Nov 2, 2009 that there were 176 people online at the same time? I've always wondered
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2010, 07:22:42 PM » |
Uli, I've always wondered about that, too. We also get orders in clusters sometimes. What happens then is that a gardening article appears in a local newspaper or magazine that mentions hibiscus and the HVH web site. I guess something like that must have happened back on Nov 2, 2009. Still, all at the same time - I'm glad the site could handle it!
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2010, 06:03:00 PM » |
Today the 400th forum member signed up. Last month, October, the forum saw 76,481 pages viewed, a new record, and November is not far behind. Thanks again to all who help make the forum a great place to visit! We're still waiting for some of the other 400 members to show some photos or make some comments. Jump in, the water is warm.
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2010, 02:58:23 PM » |
this is a great place and its greatness is the nice folks here who share the same likes and most of all, its the fact that you and cindy take time out from your busy day to comment and answer questions. I have never seen this before. Its like an International family.
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2010, 10:56:43 AM » |
Louis, thanks for the support. It's the participants who make the forum a success, and it's been a pleasure for Cindy and I to meet and exchange ideas and photos with all of you.
BTW, to my surprise December has already seen more page views than any other month since the forum started. Pretty good for a winter month - I think it has to do with the many photos and posts from indoor and greenhouse growers, tropical location growers, and even die-hard outdoor gardeners in warmer US locations.
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2011, 09:12:04 AM » |
I hadn't checked the statistics for the forum for awhile but just did and WOW, January surpassed all previous months for pages viewed at 94,822 opened during the month. Lots more members, too, although guest visitors still outnumber members by a large margin. Anyway, thanks to all who participated in January!