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2013 New Seedlings From HVH
HVH New Seedlings in 2013
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Topic: HVH New Seedlings in 2013 (Read 69463 times)
Posts: 3646
HVH New Seedlings in 2013
August 17, 2013, 08:01:42 AM »
I'm going to try to show more of our seedlings this year than I was able to last year. Remember, none of these is available yet and some will never be available. We are still watching the blooms and growth characteristics and testing to see whether they will propagate readily.
I encourage you to click on the photo in order to see the full details of these blooms.
The 4 newest members of the HVH family of seedlings are:
1. 13-0353 Magic Crystal x Moonstruck. This is a large bloom at around 8 inches. The dark central part of the flower is inky, almost black and holds the color fairly well throughout the day.
2. 12-0058 WhiteSatinxStawberryCream. Strawberry Cream is one of the largest flowers we grow, often being 9 to 10 inches. But, it is harder to propagate and grow than we like so we crossed it with another pink and white that is very well behaved named White Satin. The result was a large flower in nice clear shades of pink and white. Time will tell whether the other characteristics are what we are looking for.
3. 11-0713 MoonstruckxPinotNoir. This one deserves a better photo and by and by we will get many more. However, it is another large flower at about 8 inches and has the dark shades of purple that Pinot Noir is known for. I like this one a lot and have high hopes for it but we still have to wait and see how it performs.
4. 11-0683 HauteCouturexUnk. Last but not least, this fabulous bloom is very promising. It opens perfectly round and flat, and has a nice strong texture to the petals. The colors are wild with great contrast between the eye zone and the rest of the petals. You will see this one for sure if it roots.
12-0058 WhiteSatinxStawberryCream_f.jpg
(192.81 KB, 800x614 - viewed 1624 times.)
11-0713 MoonstrcukxPinotNoir-f.jpg
(245.96 KB, 700x763 - viewed 1632 times.)
11-0683 HauteCouturexUnk_f.jpg
(256.46 KB, 650x669 - viewed 1645 times.)
(196.56 KB, 350x350 - viewed 1733 times.)
Seattle, WA
Posts: 1945
Re: HVH New Seedlings in 2013
Reply #1 on:
August 17, 2013, 08:16:14 AM »
Please do show more seedlings this year! I really like seeing what type of characteristics you get in these crosses. I am sure you can guess which one of these is my favorite. 13-0354 *cough
What is the cross info on radiance?
The last two are also really stunning
Cindy Black, Webmaster, Customer Service
Posts: 315
Re: HVH New Seedlings in 2013
Reply #2 on:
August 17, 2013, 11:15:20 AM »
Radiant is Cosmic Gold x Saffron, Chris.
Southern California
Seattle, WA
Posts: 1945
Re: HVH New Seedlings in 2013
Reply #3 on:
August 17, 2013, 11:22:59 AM »
Oh it's radiant, not radiance. Wow then that is a big surprise to get a seeing with that color from those parents! You should name it "Darkside of the Moon" PF represent!
Thanks Cindy
farmer d
Farmer D
Posts: 5573
Hollywood, CA
Re: HVH New Seedlings in 2013
Reply #4 on:
August 17, 2013, 02:08:30 PM »
I totally second Chris' name nomination. That is perfect for that one!
Great stuff Charlie!!!
Farmer D
Posts: 1704
Re: HVH New Seedlings in 2013
Reply #5 on:
August 17, 2013, 03:57:26 PM »
Chris, I thought of you the minute I saw that first one. It looks like it was made to order for you. I certainly agree on the last two as well. There should be quite a demand for the Haute Coutere cross.
Posts: 3646
Re: HVH New Seedlings in 2013
Reply #6 on:
August 18, 2013, 07:24:55 AM »
Thanks for the suggestion, if it roots we plan to name it Dark Side of the Moon.
Today's seedlings include 2 double purples from the same parents and one white mini from a difficult parent.
1. 13-0105 Purple Hat Society x Pinot Noir. This was a 7 inch bloom, loose double, less red than the photo appears to show. Regular leaves.
2. Creme de Cacao x White Diamonds. Pretty 5 inch flower that resembles poppa White Diamonds. Given the difficult growth characteristics of that parent we will have to wait and see if this one performs well enough.
3. 13-0432 Purple Hat Society x Pinot Noir. This 6 inch cup and saucer double flower is unusual and comes on a Fascinating Foliage bush.
13-0105 PurpleHatxPinotNoir.jpg
(222.02 KB, 700x689 - viewed 1597 times.)
(161.06 KB, 600x613 - viewed 1574 times.)
13-0432 PurpleHatSocietiesxPinotNoir_0619.jpg
(191.62 KB, 600x589 - viewed 1567 times.)
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