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Author Topic: October Flower Photos of the Day  (Read 111528 times)
S.E. Michigan

Posts: 306

« Reply #75 on: October 13, 2012, 05:48:50 PM »

the rest...

Rudolph (picture perfect color and form)
Solar Eclipse
Sunny Wind (amazing neon bright color)
Valentine's Day

Deb  Wink

* Rudolph_100812.jpg (333.31 KB, 888x889 - viewed 512 times.)

* Solar-Eclipse_101312.jpg (292.03 KB, 888x860 - viewed 551 times.)

* Sunny-Wind 1_101212.jpg (280.64 KB, 888x890 - viewed 533 times.)

* Valentines-Day_101212.jpg (268.11 KB, 888x883 - viewed 537 times.)

Posts: 1704

« Reply #76 on: October 14, 2012, 03:34:10 PM »

Great photos Deb. I particularly like Gwen Mary, Rudolph, and Solar Eclipse.
We're having some hot Santa Ana winds today so conditions are less than ideal for photography outdoors. But Bright Hope still looks pretty good on day 3. Also Voodoo Magic, Donna Lynn, Vin Beaujolais, Silver Dragon, and Climax.


* IMG_0298Bright Hope--day 3.jpg (86.27 KB, 640x640 - viewed 543 times.)

* IMG_0284Voodoo Magic.jpg (174.66 KB, 640x640 - viewed 612 times.)

* IMG_0287Donna Lynn.jpg (110.97 KB, 640x640 - viewed 517 times.)

* IMG_0299Vin Beaujolais.jpg (74.72 KB, 640x640 - viewed 520 times.)

* IMG_0304Silver Dragon.jpg (85.22 KB, 640x640 - viewed 579 times.)

* IMG_0309Climax.jpg (69.52 KB, 640x640 - viewed 502 times.)

Posts: 1704

« Reply #77 on: October 14, 2012, 03:38:17 PM »

Cindy's Heart
Summer Shore
High Voltage
Heartbreak Hotel
The Path

* IMG_0302Cindy's Heart.jpg (83.61 KB, 640x640 - viewed 555 times.)

* IMG_0308Summer Shore.jpg (119.88 KB, 640x640 - viewed 543 times.)

* IMG_0310High Voltage.jpg (80.86 KB, 640x640 - viewed 550 times.)

* IMG_0311Heartbreak Hotel.jpg (85.35 KB, 640x640 - viewed 539 times.)

* IMG_0313Jazz.jpg (59.56 KB, 640x640 - viewed 505 times.)

* IMG_0286The Path.jpg (67.08 KB, 640x640 - viewed 490 times.)

Posts: 48

« Reply #78 on: October 14, 2012, 07:15:56 PM »

Rebecca, your orange and purple bloom looks like Creole Lady.

sorry about my sentence format in my last post. I'm writing from my cell phone great blooms everyone
Seattle, WA

Posts: 1945

« Reply #79 on: October 15, 2012, 01:51:05 PM »

Wow great blooms Deb and Erny!  I am really liking Solar Eclipse and Bright Hope.  

Here are a few from today.

Ring of Fire:  This is the first bloom ive had on the plant, large bloom with fancy tufting.  It had a bunch of buds till I accidentally snapped the tip off it.  At least I get to see two blooms until having to wait for the plant to regrow.  Chariots of Fire is seedling off Ring of Fire, I hope it bodes will for ROF being a good bloomer.  

Seedling:  This one seems to have gotten alot better since the first few blooms which had poor form and color.  It has tons of buds and has bloomed several times now.  I haven't seen too make CVs that have pink spotting, which this seedling has.  

Silver Dragon, Today's bloom was very nice, this one never slows down!  It has been blooming steadily since February of this year, with no signs of slowing down!    

* Ring of fire.JPG (151.88 KB, 590x640 - viewed 448 times.)

* Seedling.JPG (183.43 KB, 640x638 - viewed 450 times.)

* SilverDragon.JPG (232.82 KB, 640x612 - viewed 469 times.)

Posts: 48

« Reply #80 on: October 15, 2012, 02:01:03 PM »

Georgia's Pearl is a prolific bloomer--constantly putting out large flat blooms that often measure 9-10 inches. Also Cindy's heart, Electric Orange, Palm Springs, Silver Dragon, and California Beauty.

wow that's an amazing sunshower bush.my sunshower tends to grow very tall an lanky do u cut yours back to get it so full wasn't sure if it lacks to be pruned mines is six foot tall already in a large pot

Posts: 1704

« Reply #81 on: October 15, 2012, 03:56:07 PM »

Rebecca, I've done very little pruning on the Sun Shower bush. Last year I cut some branches off near the base but that's about it. It seems to be in a good location and has been in the ground for about 4 or 5 years.

Posts: 1704

« Reply #82 on: October 15, 2012, 04:11:32 PM »

For some reason a few of my plants put out blooms today that look very different from any they have had previously. Vin Electrique and Winter Lights both show a much darker and more solid purple color. Strawberry Fields Forever (not pictured here) showed a solid red flower where previously there was very heavy white spotting on the outer third of the petals. All three of these are in different locations with different sun exposure. Others looking more normal include Pepper Spray (although somewhat beat up by the winds), Summer shore, and Silver Dragon.


* IMG_0314Vin Electrique.jpg (76.97 KB, 640x640 - viewed 443 times.)

* IMG_0319Winter Lights.jpg (88.33 KB, 640x640 - viewed 443 times.)

* IMG_0320Winter Lights.jpg (78.67 KB, 640x640 - viewed 453 times.)

* IMG_0315Pepper Spray.jpg (79.84 KB, 640x640 - viewed 456 times.)

* IMG_0323Summer Shore.jpg (148.42 KB, 640x640 - viewed 427 times.)

* IMG_0318Silver Dragon.jpg (142.81 KB, 640x640 - viewed 452 times.)

Posts: 1704

« Reply #83 on: October 15, 2012, 04:14:55 PM »

Bright Horizon
Deep Waters
High Voltage

* IMG_0336Bright Horizon.jpg (90.17 KB, 640x640 - viewed 422 times.)

* IMG_0337Bright Horizon.jpg (70.77 KB, 640x640 - viewed 452 times.)

* IMG_0332Deep Waters.jpg (61.26 KB, 640x640 - viewed 430 times.)

* IMG_0334Deep Waters.jpg (119.81 KB, 640x640 - viewed 463 times.)

* IMG_0324High Voltage.jpg (129.69 KB, 640x640 - viewed 428 times.)

* IMG_0326High Voltage.jpg (70.43 KB, 640x640 - viewed 451 times.)

Posts: 1704

« Reply #84 on: October 15, 2012, 04:18:36 PM »

Inner Compass
Chariots of Fire
Cherry Glow
Kevin Johnson

* IMG_0328Inner Compass.jpg (76.48 KB, 640x640 - viewed 471 times.)

* IMG_0344Chariots of Fire.jpg (88.57 KB, 640x640 - viewed 431 times.)

* IMG_0338Climax.jpg (101.18 KB, 640x640 - viewed 480 times.)

* IMG_0339Climax.jpg (78.33 KB, 640x640 - viewed 420 times.)

* IMG_0340Cherry Glow.jpg (69.63 KB, 640x640 - viewed 486 times.)

* IMG_0317Kevin Johjnson.jpg (73.58 KB, 640x640 - viewed 447 times.)

Posts: 1704

« Reply #85 on: October 15, 2012, 04:21:35 PM »

Rainbow Sherbert
Velvet Illusion
Plumeria "Pops" is one of the nicest reds--orange and white Banksia Prionotes in background.

* IMG_0342Rainbow Sherbert.jpg (70.65 KB, 640x640 - viewed 438 times.)

* IMG_0345Velvet Illusion.jpg (80.84 KB, 640x640 - viewed 467 times.)

* IMG_0346Red plumeria and Banksia.jpg (119.75 KB, 640x640 - viewed 489 times.)

Posts: 48

« Reply #86 on: October 15, 2012, 05:23:17 PM »

Rebecca, I've done very little pruning on the Sun Shower bush. Last year I cut some branches off near the base but that's about it. It seems to be in a good location and has been in the ground for about 4 or 5 years.
I live in Florida but not sure if I should plant mine in the ground because of sandy soil its my favorite hibiscus have had mine for 2 years the blooms sometimes tend to be giants .? When u first got yours did it bloom minis my plant bloomed more on yellow side
David In Nha Trang Vietnam

Posts: 1054

« Reply #87 on: October 15, 2012, 07:00:35 PM »

Well I have crazy growth here now, heavy rains and the temperature has dropped a lot, Bridal Path is getting very big [Kim who helps me with the garden next to it for scale], not much buds on it yet but buds everywhere els. Nice Cranberry Muffin today.

* PA160068.JPG (100.49 KB, 640x480 - viewed 465 times.)

* PA160069.JPG (101.35 KB, 640x480 - viewed 455 times.)

S.E. Michigan

Posts: 306

« Reply #88 on: October 15, 2012, 07:45:28 PM »

Chris - Wowie! LOVE that Silver Dragon Shocked
Ernie - Awesome... everything!
David - Lovely blooms, garden, assistant... I'm going to have to post some "Buddha in the garden" photos soon for Kim  Cheesy

Came home to a bloom I had to share ASAP... Red Light (definitely stopped me in my tracks!)

Deb  Wink

* Red-Light_101512.jpg (269.61 KB, 888x850 - viewed 459 times.)

Posts: 1704

« Reply #89 on: October 15, 2012, 08:14:20 PM »

Deb, that Red Light is a real stunner.
Rebecca, until a few years ago I had very few blooms on my hibiscus plants because I was a complete ignoramus and never fertilized at all. Once I discovered the HVH website, I started taking proper care of the plants and they rewarded me with blooms. As far as I can recall, the Sun Shower blooms were a little smaller than they are now. I would think that yours would do quite well in the ground there in Florida.
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