« Reply #30 on: October 06, 2012, 05:33:49 PM » |
Greetings from the soon-to-be-frozen North!  A couple of bloomers (Pinot Noir & Valentine's Day), and some photos of the whole herd getting situated indoors (new lights going up). Down to 34ºF tonight, 32ºF tomorrow night... Brrrrr! *teeth chatter*Deb 
« Reply #31 on: October 06, 2012, 06:58:13 PM » |
That is something special to see, Deb! Are you using standard incandescent light bulbs? How long will you run them every day/night?
« Reply #32 on: October 06, 2012, 06:59:53 PM » |
Here'a photo of Dr Strange Love
Hi Patrick, it must be getting cool where you live for Dr Strangelove to have that look. I kind of like the rosy glow with the brown edge although it is not "strange" the way it can be in summer heat. Charlie
« Reply #33 on: October 06, 2012, 07:11:14 PM » |
Here's some more photo's, and yes Charlie, it has been getting into the 30's at night so you may be able to tell by the shelving that they are all inside now.
« Reply #34 on: October 06, 2012, 08:56:52 PM » |
That is something special to see, Deb! Are you using standard incandescent light bulbs? How long will you run them every day/night?
Hi Charlie! The bulbs I use in the reflectors over the tables are standard garden variety 23W fluorescent bulbs (the curly ones/equals 100W incandescent). There are 9 bulbs per table (6 inside/3 facing out). The hibiscus seem to like them (they're green and flowering)... And if they're happy, I'm VERY happy. I have everything hooked up to timers (on at 7:00AM, off at 10:00PM), so they're getting 15 hours of indoor light plus whatever sun comes in through the west facing doorwalls. I also hung two 4ft/4 bulb T8 fixtures tonight... If they like that, I'll get two more (each T8 adds about $20.00 to the monthly electric bill for the same about of time as the light tables). So in addition to all the light I can afford to provide, and the heat (included in rent/usually 75ºF to 80º when it's above 40ºF outside, even with the thermostat off), the HVH houseplant formula is the final essential element... If my hibs weren't getting superior nutrition, I doubt that they would be doing half as well as they have been indoors (Oh, and can't forget the Kontos!). Deb 
David In Nha Trang Vietnam
Posts: 1054
« Reply #35 on: October 07, 2012, 06:43:20 AM » |
Had a few blooms today,Peppermint Drop Cosmic and Acapulco Gold I just need the temperature to stay a bit lower and hopefully I will have many more, its been a very hard summer for my garden with record high temperatures, I have really enjoyed and been so envious all summer of the beauties that have been on show.
Deb your indore shrine is in the wrong section, you put it in the October pic of the day and it should be in ''We are all a bit crazy'' section haha.
Off to Cambodia tomorrow so I will write when I am back.
farmer d
Farmer D
Posts: 5573
Hollywood, CA
« Reply #37 on: October 07, 2012, 11:11:55 AM » |
Thanks Charlie. Unfortunately I can't seem to bring up anything that says Preview or even anything with the Apple logo in the corner within the iPhoto window. Does photo file refer to the listing of "Photos" in the iPhoto window? This brings up the photos that I imported from the camera to the Mac yesterday and today but nothing about Preview.
Hi Erny - what I simply do is select all the photos I want to save in iPhoto and copy/paste them to my desktop. There when you double click on each of them they come up in preview mode and you can resize them. I used to be able to very easily resize them in the save as function as I am moving all my photos to my hibiscus file folders to keep everything organized for future browsing by me of my saved pics. You can copy/paste to anywhere on your computer and when you open up the saved file it will come up in preview mode. That changed when I recently downloaded Apple's new operating system Mountain Lion and they eliminated that save as option in preview so I purchased an inexpensive resizing program, in this case Inkwell and I resize all pics I am saving through that. I find it is important to organize and save all pics for future reference and questions so it is easy to find them again. Really helpful with bush shots for growth and bloom shots for effects from seasonal weather. Farmer D
Posts: 1704
« Reply #38 on: October 07, 2012, 12:44:21 PM » |
Darren, thanks for the info on Mac. Mike, that Flickering Flame is a killer. Some from today: Love Story Silver Dragon Night Runner Angel's Wings
Posts: 1704
« Reply #39 on: October 07, 2012, 12:49:18 PM » |
A few more: Saffron Flickering Flame Rainbow Sherbert Eye of Kali Electric Orange Strawberry Fields Forever
Posts: 1704
« Reply #40 on: October 07, 2012, 01:50:37 PM » |
A very pretty Simple Pleasures today. Also African Princess, Acapulco Gold.
« Reply #41 on: October 07, 2012, 04:22:52 PM » |
Wow Deb that is quite the set up! In my experience, artificial lighting has worked really well, lots and lots of blooms!
Fantastic Erny, African Princess looks so cool! It looks like from the picture, it has normal looking leaves?
Here is a first bloom from Thunder Egg, lots of spotting! This one still seems to have the FF leaves, no changes yet!
« Reply #42 on: October 07, 2012, 05:24:57 PM » |
I'd call that a very cool version of Thunder Egg, Chris. First one we've seen outside of the HVH greenhouse. Thanks for showing.
Posts: 1704
« Reply #43 on: October 08, 2012, 04:34:03 PM » |
I think Darren is in Hawaii, so I'll try to fill in with some blooms from today. Secret Heart, Pinot Noir, Valentine's Day, Rocket's Red Glare, and Slapstick.
Posts: 1704
« Reply #44 on: October 08, 2012, 04:38:09 PM » |
Blue Ballerina is starting to live up to its reputation as a prolific bloomer. Also Heartbreak Hotel, a nice Bright Horizon, and Velvet Illusion.