farmer d
Farmer D
Posts: 5573
Hollywood, CA
« Reply #180 on: March 26, 2012, 08:07:24 PM » |
Erny I never got to mention that I totally love the fact you have live hens in your backyard. Talk about having a majorly healthy food source everyday. That is the way to do it. Best I can do is get pasture roaming 100% organic eggs. You can really taste and see the difference though I can only imagine how good your's taste!
Lynette great to hear from you - wow that was a lot of rain yesterday did you also get soaked?
Deb great bloom as always! Rosalind is really looking super fab! How's your summer going?
It looks as if the really strong spring growth for my plants has restarted again which is great because the weather has nothing to do with it this time. It has been colder than normal for this time of year so I hope this growth gets more explosive as the days go by. Also some plant shots so you can see what the ones leading the way are doing. I'd say they just passed their low points for the year.
Farmer D
farmer d
Farmer D
Posts: 5573
Hollywood, CA
« Reply #181 on: March 26, 2012, 08:11:40 PM » |
some more...
Farmer D
farmer d
Farmer D
Posts: 5573
Hollywood, CA
« Reply #182 on: March 26, 2012, 08:13:45 PM » |
VD to end it...
Farmer D
David In Nha Trang Vietnam
Posts: 1054
« Reply #183 on: March 27, 2012, 09:35:31 PM » |
A nice double samba Dancer amongs a few others today.
Thanks Charlie, I have started to feed my seedlings and I can see a big difference in just 2 days.
« Reply #184 on: March 28, 2012, 03:55:04 AM » |
Beautiful bushes, Darren. I'm curious about whether you do much pruning just to shape your bushes or if you allow them to grow in whatever way is natural for them. I might not have guessed that was Valentine's Day - the colors are so different from summer colors. I'm still amazed by how many flowers you are getting in the very cool spring weather in southern CA.
David, I'm impressed by your Samba Dancer. Doubles usually have a lot of trouble with too much heat but yours manages to bloom pretty well, it seems. I need to propagate more of that one. That Bridal Path photo you posted the other day was super, too - starting to rival your Acapulco Gold though it will be awhile before we see as many flowers on the Bridal Path.
« Reply #185 on: March 28, 2012, 04:07:13 AM » |
Here's a couple of big flowers that have bloomed recently in the HVH greenhouse.
Golden Giant - I like the different texture of the petals on this one, similar to those of Belle du Jour. This one can bloom at over 8 inches.
Unnamed - this one is very interesting because the colors were unexpected - you have to go back more than one generation to find them. It's a Moonstruck x Saffron cross. Also big at 8 inches.
David In Nha Trang Vietnam
Posts: 1054
« Reply #186 on: March 28, 2012, 06:44:23 AM » |
David, I'm impressed by your Samba Dancer. Doubles usually have a lot of trouble with too much heat but yours manages to bloom pretty well, it seems. I need to propagate more of that one. That Bridal Path photo you posted the other day was super, too - starting to rival your Acapulco Gold though it will be awhile before we see as many flowers on the Bridal Path.
Charlie [/quote] Charlie I probably never explained clearly before but I now and haven't done for a while purposely shade any of my cv's, just there position in the garden will determin how much sun they get per day. Now odd as it seems Samba Dancer performs so much better with 6 hours full sun rather than 2 or 3 hours, with only a couple of hours the blooms sometimes didn't fully open, in fact there aren't to many of my cv's that could sit in the position it does and show no ill affects from the heat[burnt or droopy leaves and needing exess water etc] and actually perform better.
Posts: 1036
Houston, Texas
« Reply #187 on: March 28, 2012, 07:48:44 AM » |
David, I am hoping to get Samba Dancer when it becomes available thanks to your wonderful pics.
Compassion - 2nd pic is once it fully opened White Wings
I wasn't born in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could.
Posts: 36
« Reply #188 on: March 28, 2012, 08:45:13 AM » |
Wow Doll, Compassion something else! David, just great as always. Farmer D really love the Valentines Day, I have one of those coming soon. Mine from today,.... The Path  Silver Memories  Topaz Glory 
« Reply #189 on: March 28, 2012, 02:36:48 PM » |
Nice colors, Jim!
David In Nha Trang Vietnam
Posts: 1054
« Reply #190 on: March 28, 2012, 02:47:36 PM » |
David, I am hoping to get Samba Dancer when it becomes available thanks to your wonderful pics.
Hope you get it John, should do well even with your heat, the bush takes a couple of prunes to get it really shaped but it needs a bit of time so it can fully support the blooms. Nice Compassion today and loved the picture of your 2 favourites the other day.
« Reply #191 on: March 28, 2012, 04:26:41 PM » |
Really pretty, Jim. All oldies but goodies. I grew all 3 for years and sold a lot of the top 2.
By the way, attaching photos as a link to another web site means they will disappear from the forum anytime in the future that they are no longer on the same page of the web site you linked to. That's why most photos are sent to the forum using the "Additional Options" button that is below and to the left side of the posting window. Click it and then click on "Choose File" which will let you highlight the photo on your computer. Follow the steps as shown to finish attaching the photo to the message. If you do it this way the photos will always remain visible on the forum no matter what happens with the web site you originally posted them to. If this isn't clear write to Cindy personally at Office and she can explain it better.
farmer d
Farmer D
Posts: 5573
Hollywood, CA
« Reply #192 on: March 28, 2012, 04:48:26 PM » |
Charlie Beautiful bushes, Darren. I'm curious about whether you do much pruning just to shape your bushes or if you allow them to grow in whatever way is natural for them. I might not have guessed that was Valentine's Day - the colors are so different from summer colors. I'm still amazed by how many flowers you are getting in the very cool spring weather in southern CA. Charlie
Since I'm new to growing hibiscus I want to first see what they can do on their own. I try to select ones that sound like they'll be strong and not need any selective pruning. The only pruning I've ever done was during winter 2010 when I had quite a bit of dieback disease and had to cut multiple branches back but I would have left them alone otherwise. It did pay off with more branching in the following spring/summer. Yeah lots of flowers this week with Black Dream at 14 and COF & AG at 11. Even All That Jazz is now up to 6 open blooms currently. I see strong spring growth everywhere now so I'll be curious to see which ones bloom and grow and which ones want to grow first. John I agree with David your Compassion is a beauty! Jim those are three perfect blooms. They really can't get any better for each cv. The colors on The Path are just mind blowing - WOW!!
Posts: 1704
« Reply #193 on: March 28, 2012, 09:00:27 PM » |
Jim, those are three beautiful blooms. I'm particularly impressed by the Topaz Glory. I have one that has been in the ground for about 9 years and it has never shown me a flower as nice as yours.
David In Nha Trang Vietnam
Posts: 1054
« Reply #194 on: March 28, 2012, 09:03:51 PM » |
Its ok Jim, I am back from the doctors and he says my eyes are ok, but maybe a warning in the future if you are showing ''The Path'' ha ha, give me chance to slip on a pair of shades.
Darren interesting what you say about pruning, I would love to not have to prune so much but I have little choice, Cris explained it well a few weeks ago, my branches grow so quick they haven't the strength to support themselves, so with me its prune grow prune grow just to get strength in the branches.
Nice Samba again today this one showing a little more red which I like, also cut and played about just to check the different yellows.