Posts: 1704
« Reply #165 on: March 24, 2012, 04:08:43 PM » |
Darren, don't be put off by the bad bush reputation of Night Fire. Here is a picture of a bloom and the bush that I took in November. Then a picture of the bush today. It is about 5' tall and 3' wide, upright and thickly branched. It has had very little pruning done--only removed a few small branches around the base. The only problem I've had with it recently is that the buds keep dropping but this has been true for most of my cvs all winter.
David In Nha Trang Vietnam
Posts: 1054
« Reply #166 on: March 24, 2012, 04:14:44 PM » |
David, congratulations on your photo of Acapulco Gold being in the March newsletter.
High Voltage
Not saying I am proud John but I have 56 first cousins in Ireland and each has received a copy this weekend ha ha. The forum is good at the moment, more and more blooms are getting shown, I felt a bit on my own in January, Darren chipped in occasionally but I think come the summer we are in for a right treat, and come September when all the new varieties that where bought in the winter are blooming it will be wonderful.
« Reply #167 on: March 24, 2012, 04:56:13 PM » |
David - Congrats on your photo in the newsletter! And if you do get a hygrometer, I'd be very interested in seeing what your high temp & humid level is on a "toasty" day (LOL!) Darren - Glad you like Nightfire... The plant has been VERY well behaved for me indoors. It's currently at it's "bushiest", measuring 26"H and 23"W, and full of buds. It is looking rather like Venus Rising with it's purple hued blooms, but I'm sure VR is a more superior plant overall. Erny - Your Nightfire bush is amazing  My indoor jungle is having a little "spring fling"... Too bad the weather has reverted back to typical Michigan fare (cloudy, rainy, cool). Today's bloomers: Bienvenue (second day) Heaven Scent (sticky double blooms - not opening fully, but still bright & pretty) Nightfire Rocket's Red Glare (another huge bloom - over 8") Rosalind twins Rudolph (looking a little anemic - needs more sun) Deb 
Posts: 1704
« Reply #168 on: March 24, 2012, 05:24:25 PM » |
Thanks Deb. The favorable weather in southern California that allows us to keep plants in the ground all year certainly helps overcome some of the problems with bad bushes but your NF bush looks great in the pot. I always enjoy the group shots that you post as well.
David In Nha Trang Vietnam
Posts: 1054
« Reply #169 on: March 24, 2012, 07:46:40 PM » |
Wow!! Deb its all gone crazy at your place, I would love to own Rosaland, I have liked that for so long and I just know it would do so well here. A nice City Slicker for me today, Cranberry Muffin and a High Voltage.
« Reply #170 on: March 24, 2012, 09:51:54 PM » |
Wow Deb ! Looks fantastic, would love to see pics of your setup.
I wonder where the bad bush rap came from with night fire, I always thought it was a pretty solid CV. Based on the pics people posted of it here seem to be consistent with this. One interesting thing I have learned about nightfire is how cold tolerant it is and I think the main flaw with it is the short bloom life and slower growth habit. Venus rising looks like a more purple nightfire, I would love to see more pics of it. My blue heaven is another fantastic one, again we can trace its lineage to nightfire.
David In Nha Trang Vietnam
Posts: 1054
« Reply #171 on: March 25, 2012, 01:40:57 AM » |
Wow Deb ! Looks fantastic, would love to see pics of your setup.
I wonder where the bad bush rap came from with night fire, I always thought it was a pretty solid CV. Based on the pics people posted of it here seem to be consistent with this. One interesting thing I have learned about nightfire is how cold tolerant it is and I think the main flaw with it is the short bloom life and slower growth habit. Venus rising looks like a more purple nightfire, I would love to see more pics of it. My blue heaven is another fantastic one, again we can trace its lineage to nightfire.
Cris, Deb dosent have a setup she has a shrine haha. Can I ask you when should I think about fertiliser for my seedlings, they are growing[cant believe how slow] and are starting to get second leaves, so far they have had only a drop of Superthrive in the misting and am unsure as to when to start. Also I was thinking a very weak solution of 20-20-20, would that be right and ok.
« Reply #172 on: March 25, 2012, 05:58:00 AM » |
Nightfire has always had a nice looking bush. Perhaps it is Midnight Blue, a similar flower, that was meant when referring to a bad bush.
David, you can begin fertilizing anytime now and really shouldn't wait since your seedlings are quickly using up any stored nutrients and are not planted in real soil I assume. Light doses of 20-20-20 should be fine. That formula comes in versions that also have all the minor minerals and versions with only the NPK. You should check that yours has all the minors like iron, magnesium, etc.
Posts: 1036
Houston, Texas
« Reply #173 on: March 25, 2012, 09:28:20 AM » |
My two favorite varieties together.
I wasn't born in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could.
« Reply #174 on: March 25, 2012, 09:37:41 AM » |
Beautiful John D!!
farmer d
Farmer D
Posts: 5573
Hollywood, CA
« Reply #175 on: March 25, 2012, 11:24:52 AM » |
I'm glad to hear from a lot of you that Night Fire has a decent bush. I had read a few facebook posts a while ago where some people were complaining about their NF plants/bushes. Mine is too small to draw any conclusions but I would agree that it is so far slow growing.
Some shots right before it starting raining...
Farmer D
farmer d
Farmer D
Posts: 5573
Hollywood, CA
« Reply #176 on: March 25, 2012, 11:28:12 AM » |
a few more...
Farmer D
« Reply #177 on: March 25, 2012, 11:50:47 AM » |
everyones blooms are so beautiful!!!1..Its been a while for me...just been glad spring is here!! are a couple of my blooms....lynette
« Reply #178 on: March 25, 2012, 03:06:29 PM » |
Lynette - Pretty blooms!  Darren - LOVE that Acapulco Gold (and Prosperity too, of course)! David - Beautiful High Voltage (oh and "Ha, Ha" about my shrine!)  A fully opened Heaven's Scent and Rosalind triplets for me on this sunny spring day... Deb 
David In Nha Trang Vietnam
Posts: 1054
« Reply #179 on: March 25, 2012, 07:13:35 PM » |
Last of my Bridal Path blooms for a while, I am going to have to give it a major prune, the blooms are that high I am forced to cut them to see them. Nice Rainbow Sherbert today