Welcome to Hidden Valley Hibiscus!


Hibiscus Flowers
HVH Exotic Hibiscus 'Ecstatic'

Welcome to Hidden Valley Hibiscus! We hope you like our exotic, tropical hibiscus! We have hybridized, grown and sold well over 2000 different hibiscus hybrids, or varieties - "cultivars" in hibiscus lingo. All were created right in our own greenhouse, and are unique to HVH. All these new hybrid hibiscus are descendants of the small hibiscus flowers we all know well, but the new exotic hibiscus are huge, multi-colored, multi-shaped, splashy, and amazing.

We have retired from growing and selling exotic hibiscus plants, but we continue to sell the care products you need to keep your hibiscus healthy, happy and blooming. The Hibiscus Care section of our website has all the information you need to successfully grow these beautiful exotic hibiscus flowers, and the products you need are in our Online Store.Enjoy!


Shop the HVH Online Store

Exotic Hibiscus
Belle du Jour in a 6" Pot
The HVH Online Store is open with many exotic, tropical hibiscus varieties and all the care products your hibiscus need to stay happy and healthy. Happy shopping!

"Just HAD to let you know - the plants arrived today... someone had to wake me up, because I SWOONED... they are so beautiful! Thank you so much for your care, the awesome blooming hibiscus and the amazing customer service on my request and in RECORD time. Please know that I am now a customer and fan forever. Thank you" Diane D

"Thank you so much. I received the plants last week and they are gorgeous. I just placed an order for two more plants. Again, thank you for the beauties." Sheila J

Diane and Sheila are just a few of the many happy HVH customers. Read more customer comments here! The photo above shows the typical size of plants in 6" pots (this is cultivar 'Belle du Jour') at the time of shipping, although size varies by cultivar and we don't guarantee the open blooms.