
Hibiscus Gardens Around the World

Bangalore, India

Meet Pushpa! She lives in Bangalore, the third largest city in India and a huge center of technology. Her climate in southern India is ideal for hibiscus, as can be seen by her hibiscus plants below.

Like city dwellers all over the world, space is at a premium for Pushpa. She grows hibiscus everywhere ~ on every balcony, in every patch of yard, and she has the wonderful luxury of a rooftop garden too. The result is an amazing house with hibiscus garden nooks and crannies everywhere, calling to visitors (even vicarious picture-visitors!) to come hang out first in this garden, then in that one, on this balcony, then that one, and of course, we can't miss the roof!

Pushpa's house with hibiscus on every railing, balcony, roof, and all around her yard!

Pushpa's front yard hibiscus garden

Pushpa in the early days of her hibiscus garden

Pushpa's garden in another season

Pushpa's hibiscus garden on a balcony

Pushpa's hibiscus garden on her roof

In addition to growing hibiscus, Pushpa has been hybridizing hibiscus for several years. It can be hard to get exotic hibiscus in India due to very strict import regulations, so Pushpa decided to try growing her own new varieties. She uses her rooftop to grow her baby seedlings. As you can see, she has a lot of them! It takes a lot of seedlings to get new and interesting hibiscus varieties, but Pushpa has devoted a lot of time, space and energy to it, and she has had some beautiful results. Below are a few of her most beautiful new varieties.

'Shiva' hybridized by Pushpa

'Soul Mate' hybridized by Pushpa

'Indian Bride' hybridized by Pushpa

'Black Metal' hybridized by Pushpa

'Soul Connections' hybridized by Pushpa

'Crown Jelly Fish' hybridized by Pushpa

Pushpa has a Facebook page full of her seedlings and hibiscus pictures for anyone who would like to see more! We hope you enjoyed our little armchair trip to Bangalore, and a big "Thank you!" to Pushpa for sharing her pictures with us at HVH!

More Hibiscus Blooming in Pushpa's Garden