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Hidden Valley Hibiscus
Growers & Hybridizers of Exotic, Tropical Hibiscus
Volume 18, Issue 4
April 2017

News from Hidden Valley Hibiscus

Giant Hibiscus 'Maui Masterpiece'

Exotic Hibiscus 'Blushing Maiden' in Page Border

'Summer Fun'

'Sparkling Water'

'Chasing Rainbows'

Greetings fellow hibiscus lovers!

Spring, spring, spring at last! It's getting warmer and warmer, and our hibiscus love it! Our spring shipping is fully underway. We plan to ship all orders in April and May. Only customers in the coldest mountain places will have to wait until June. Please be patient! We are shipping orders as fast as possible! If you know you will be away from home any time in April or May, please send us the dates. Otherwise, hundreds of emails every day asking "When will my order ship?" can only slow us down. Your order will ship sometime in April or May, we promise!

We have been telling gardeners for many years that potassium is extremely important for hibiscus and that it's impossible to get enough of it in commercially available fertilizers. No one has known why this is true though - not even scientists. But recently, more and more research has started to unlock the mysteries of potassium. It turns out that ALL plants need a lot more potassium than the horticultural world has realized. Read all about it in our first article, Potassium ~ The Least Understood Plant Nutrient.

As your hibiscus plants start to arrive, we thought it might help to give you some information on how to safely unpack your plants and get them started. Get the tips in our second article below, So Your Hibiscus Order Just Arrived.

Don't forget to scroll to the very bottom of the newsletter to see our newest Seedling of the Month!

Happy spring to all!

Charles & Cindy Black


'Toast & Jam'

'El Dorado'


Potassium ~ The Least Understood Plant Nutrient

And the Most Neglected!

Potassium is the least understood of all plant nutrients, plus it is expensive to put into fertilizer. So it has been the most neglected nutrient in plant fertilizers. Other plant nutrients end up forming part of the actual molecules and cells that make up plants, but potassium is not found in any molecules anywhere in plant tissues! So why is it important? We never really knew before. Only experience over time taught farmers that plants go downhill, stop producing, and eventually die without potassium. Finally now plant science is advancing, and little by little we are learning more about this unusual nutrient.

Potassium for Hibiscus
Potassium makes plants healthier in every way ~ lush green growth, more blooming, bigger flowers with more colors.

All Plants Need Potassium, Not Just Hibiscus

For years we have been telling hibiscus gardeners about the extreme importance of high levels of potassium for hibiscus, but it turns out that potassium is just as important for other plants too! It is the most neglected of all plant nutrients for growers and gardeners of all kinds of plants. Scientists and growers are discovering that many (possibly most!) plants need to have more even more potassium than nitrogen in their fertilizers.

So what does potassium do? Why is it so important? There's still a lot we don't know, but one thing we do know is that plants suck up huge quantities of potassium if it is available in the soil. The more a plant grows, the more potassium it needs. The more the roots grow, the more potassium it needs. The more it flowers and fruits, the more potassium it needs. This applies not just to hibiscus, but to most, or perhaps, all plants. Potassium must be extremely important in all aspects of plant growth because of the huge need plants seem to have for it. So with the help of recent scientific research, let's see if we can pin down a little bit more about what exactly potassium does.

Potassium is the Key to Building Cell Sap

Potassium is found in the cell sap of plants. This is the nutrient-filled water that hangs out in the empty spaces inside cells. Cell sap can take up to 80-90% of the space inside cells. Potassium is key to the creation and maintenance of cell sap. Plenty of potassium keeps the cell sap spaces, or vacuoles, plump, full of cell sap, and able to hold all the nutrients that do so much to make plants healthy. We don't yet know all the important things that cell sap and potassium do, but here is what we do know:

Cell sap makes strong wood, stalks and branches:
When all plant cells are full of cell sap, the plant stands up straighter, taller, with heavier, fuller stalks and branches. The pressure of the cells against the outside of the plant helps build stronger wood. When a plant is deficient in potassium, it will start to look more stunted with weaker, floppier wood and branches. Eventually cell sap will diminish to the point where the plant starts to look limp, and in severe cases of deficiency, the plant can slowly collapse and die.

Potassium for Hibiscus
Potassium makes all plants healthier, not just hibiscus.
The California pepper tree in the left foreground received only potassium twice per month.
The California pepper tree in the right background received no fertilizing.
After 2 years, the left tree built taller, stronger, more upright wood, many more berries, and darker & glossier green leaves.
The tree without potassium at right had weaker, sprawling branches, less growth, fewer berries, and lighter & duller green leaves.
Potassium alone built a much stronger, healthier tree, even without any other fertilizer.

Protein and amino acids are stored in cell sap:
Cell sap stores proteins and amino acids that plants use to build everything - wood, leaves, flowers and pigments. More and healthier cell sap is able to hold more of these building blocks for more and better plant parts. Plenty of potassium makes plenty of cell sap, which in turn makes a healthier plant with lots of lush green leaves and large, fully developed flowers.

Flower pigments are stored in cell sap:
Cell sap contains flower pigments that make all the different colors in flowering plants. The more potassium and cell sap a plant has, the more pigments it is able to store and use to make flowers with the widest variety of colors and the most color-saturated pigments. The anthocyanins that make blues, browns, and the deep reds are water soluble and fragile, so these are the colors that completely depend on cell sap, and hence potassium. With insufficient potassium, flowers don't develop these colors. With high amounts of potassium and super healthy cell sap, the blues, browns, and deepest reds become much darker and brighter.

Glucose is stored in cell sap:
The main food that plants use for the energy of growing and blooming is glucose. Glucose is stored in cell sap, and like all other nutrients in cell sap, the healthier and plumper the cell, the more glucose it can hold, and the more fuel there is for the plant to grow and bloom.

Cell sap helps drive away predators:
Healthy plants break down old, dying cells in cell sap. This process releases a bitter taste throughout the plant that bugs and animals don't like, so it makes them stop eating the plant. It's a sad fact that a plant that has been stressed by heat, drought, flooding, cold, or any other environmental stressor almost always ends up getting a bug attack right at that moment. This is because a sick plant can't break down its dying cells to create the protective bitter taste. A stressed plant needs extra potassium to help turn dying cells into the bitter taste that will deter predators.

Cell sap recycles plant parts:
When plant waste is broken down, the cell sap stores the different molecules so the plant can use them for new parts. So healthy cell sap functions as a sort of recycling center for plants, making sure that waste does not build up but gets reused to make new healthy plant parts instead.

Cell sap stores toxic substances that fight off predators:
Toxic substances that enter a plant are moved into the cell sap and stored there. This prevents damage to the plant primarily, but it has the secondary function of making the plant toxic to different types of predators.

Potassium is the Switch that Turns on Many Plant Processes

Potassium is a little chemical switch, called a co-factor, that switches on processes all over the plant, from photosynthesis to building of proteins, creating sugars, transporting nutrients, storing energy, storing sugars, and many more. It is a co-factor in more than 60 different processes in plants ~ way too many to list here. Scientists will surely soon discover many more that we don't yet know about! In order for plants to grow, get nutrition, use energy for flowering, and everything else plants need to do, they have to have plenty of potassium at hand, all over the plant, to switch on every one of these processes.

Potassium is the Transport Supervisor for the Whole Plant

Potassium is involved in every aspect of transport in a plant, moving food, nutrients, and chemicals all through every part of the plant. Plants don't have little pumps in them to move nutrients around - they don't have a heart that pumps like animals do. So they move nutrients by a passive process called osmosis, aided by potassium. Potassium floats as free ions in the water all through the plant, and pulls water and nutrients in its direction. Where there is more potassium, more water and nutrients are pulled - into cells, up into the plant from the roots, wherever water and nutrients are needed. Potassium is necessary to keep every single part of the plant properly fed and hydrated, from roots, stems, and stalks to leaves, flower petals, and each individual cell that makes up a plant.

Potassium Controls a Plant's Breathing or "Transpiration"

Plants "breathe" or transpire through tiny holes all over all the leaves called stoma. When a plant is plump and full of water, the stoma are wide open, pulling in maximum amounts of carbon dioxide to use to make food. When water levels are too low, potassium makes the stoma close up to seal off any loss of water and prevent the plant from dying of thirst. When water levels are high again, potassium opens the stoma back up so the plant can start to make food again. It is because of potassium that our plants go limp when we forget to water them, then pop back up again when we remember to water them. This does stress our plants, but thanks to potassium, they don't die!

Potassium Provides Some Frost Protection

Potassium helps protect a plant from frost in several ways. First, it helps plants make more sugars, and sugar is a natural anti-freeze. When the cell sap has plenty of potassium, the plants can store more sugars, packing more of this sweet anti-freeze into each cell of the plant. In addition to this, potassium itself functions as an anti-freeze! So a cell that has a lot of sugar and potassium both will have the strongest possible anti-freeze protection and can survive light frosts easily.

Potassium for Hibiscus
Potassium, potassium, potassium! For gorgeous hibiscus plants, use plenty of it!

Just Remember ~ Potassium, Potassium, Potassium!

This article is very long, and few of you have probably made it all the way to the end! It would take many more pages to detail everything we know about potassium in plants, and scientists have only just begun understanding this important nutrient. More information will surely be pouring in over the coming years. But whether or not we fully understand how potassium works, we really just need to understand that it is one of the very most important nutrients that all plants need in order to be strong and healthy.

So what does this mean in practical terms? We pack as much potassium as we can into our Special-Blend Fertilizer. If you use it, you are already ahead of the game! For absolutely optimal health and blooming of your hibiscus, we do recommend adding extra potassium to hibiscus with our Hibiscus Booster in order to give your plants even more potassium than can be put into our fertilizer.

If your plants stay in pots and you use our Houseplant Formula, you don't need to add Booster, since we are able to pack very high amounts of potassium into that type of liquid fertilizer.


So Your Hibiscus Order Just Arrived

What do I do next?

UPS dropped the box off and you can't wait to see what is inside. Fine, but please don't rush - getting the plants safely unpacked is important.

'Fuchsia Delight'
First, before you open the box, find the arrows to identify the top and bottom. The best way to unpack our boxes is to cut the bottom of the box open and then slide the box up and off of the plants. If you cut the top open and try to reach into the box there is a chance you will break the stems of the plants or poke yourself with the bamboo poles. By cutting the tape at the bottom and lifting the box off the plants, you will avoid these problems.

It is very important not to lift the plants out of the box by their stems. This can cause damage to the roots of the plant that can kill the plant. Pick the plants up by grasping the pots, not the stems.

Most of our boxes have a top and bottom that can be opened and the above technique is the best way to go. However, a few of our boxes actually open and close on the side. If your plants came in one of those then it is easy to open the sides and slip the plants out of the box that way.

'Meteor Shower'
Now the box is off the plants and the plants are standing on the ground. The bamboo poles are sticking up. All you have to do is pull the poles straight up and out of the pots. You may want to save these poles to use as stakes for young plants in the ground if you live in an area with strong wind.

Next, untwist the twist ties holding the plastic bags in place, then remove the plastic bags from around the pots.

Keep the plants in their original pots while you slowly acclimate them to the new, permanent place you want for them. Start by putting them in a spot where they will get about 2 hours of morning sun each day. To acclimate them to where you want them to grow, gradually move them into a sunnier spot over the next 2-3 weeks. If you move them faster, they can get sunburned.

When you finally have the plants in the place where you want to keep them, leave them there in their pots for a couple of days so that they fully adjust to the light and other conditions there. Water them and begin fertilizing them with HVH Special Blend Fertilizer or Houseplant Formula immediately.

'Pot of Gold'
If all is well after a few days, the plants can be transplanted. Please, follow directions on the care sheets that come with the plants. Most important of all, never pull the plants out of the pots by pulling on their stems. This can rip the roots and kill the plant. Pulling on stems is the number one cause of a quick death after transplanting, and yet people still do it all the time! Use gravity to help get the plants out of the pots. Place one hand over the soil with fingers on both sides of the main stem. Turn the pot upside down and give it a little shake or lightly squeeze the pot in a few places to loosen the root ball from the pot, so the plant comes out in your hand. With a little practice this becomes second nature and easy to do.

You can read the more detailed instructions on our website.
Start with our Potting & Planting page.
You can find many more growing tips in the Care Section of our HVH website.
These will help you grow great hibiscus and enjoy gorgeous flowers all the way into next fall!


Seedling of the Month...


Seedling of the Month
Exotic Hibiscus 'Mandala'

We chose 'Mandala' for our Seedling of the Month just because it's so pretty! Every now and then, prettiness has to win out over hybridizing science! 'Mandala' is so new that it hasn't been tested very much yet, but its flower stops us in our tracks every time it blooms.

The flower is a large 7-9 inch single with attractive form and a touch of ruffliness around the edges. The multiple rings of color create a beautiful display that is enhanced by the way each color shoots rays into the next ring of color. The flowers starts with a large, soft pink eye that radiates into silvery white, which radiates through a blue ring. The blue and white radiate together into the hot pink body, and the pink radiates into an apricot-orange edge. The whole effect is like a very large, radiating mandala ~ a beautiful symbol representing unity and spirituality throughout the world.

'Mandala' gets its multiple rings and its blue color from father 'Serenity.' Bright orange mother 'Saffron' gives it the bright pink and orange pigments as well as the large, soft eye. It's an odd combination of parents and the result is an unusual and special flower.

Seedling of the Month
Father 'Serenity'
Seedling of the Month
Mother 'Saffron'

If all goes well, we hope to have 'Mandala' available for sale in 2018.